How to get free coffee samples from every country you visit

Hey coffee lovers, do you want to know how to get free coffee samples from every country you visit? Well, you’re in luck, because I’m going to share with you my secret tips and tricks that have helped me score some of the best brews around the world. Trust me, you don’t want to miss this!

free coffee samples

First of all, you need to act direct, personal, surprising, crazy and unusual. That’s right, you need to stand out from the crowd and make an impression on the local baristas. Don’t be shy, don’t be polite, don’t be boring. Be bold, be confident, be adventurous. Here are some examples of what I mean:

  • – When you enter a coffee shop, walk straight to the counter and ask for a free sample. Don’t look at the menu, don’t wait in line, don’t make eye contact with anyone else. Just go for it and see what happens. You might get rejected, but you might also get lucky and get a free shot of espresso or a mini latte.
    – When you order a coffee, make it personal. Tell the barista your name, where you’re from, why you love coffee, what your favorite flavor is, etc. Make them feel like they know you and they want to please you. Then casually ask if they have any samples of their special blends or roasts that you can try. Chances are they will be happy to oblige and give you a taste of their best beans.
    – When you receive your coffee, act surprised. Pretend like you’ve never had coffee before and that this is the most amazing thing you’ve ever tasted. Make loud noises of appreciation, such as “Mmm”, “Wow”, “Oh my god”, etc. Express your gratitude to the barista and tell them how much you love their coffee. Then ask if they have any more samples that you can try. They will probably be amused by your enthusiasm and give you some more freebies.
    – When you finish your coffee, act crazy and unusual. Do something that will make them remember you and want to see you again. For example, you can sing a song about coffee, do a dance with your cup, tell a joke or a funny story, give them a hug or a kiss, etc. Be creative and have fun with it. Then ask if they have any more samples that you can try. They will probably be impressed by your personality and give you some more goodies.

Now, I know what you’re thinking: this sounds too good to be true, right? Well, let me tell you a story that proves that this method works.

Last year, I visited Colombia, which is known for its high-quality coffee. I wanted to try as many different types of coffee as possible, but I didn’t have much money to spend on it. So I decided to use my free sample strategy and see what I could get.

I went to a small coffee shop in Bogota and walked straight to the counter. I asked for a free sample of their most popular coffee. The barista looked at me like I was crazy and said no. I didn’t give up and asked again, this time with more confidence and charm. He still said no and told me to leave.

I was about to walk away when I noticed a sign on the wall that said “Free samples for customers who can solve this riddle”. It was written in Spanish, but I could understand it because I had learned some basic phrases before my trip.

The riddle was: “What is black when it’s clean and white when it’s dirty?”

I thought about it for a few seconds and then I had an idea.

I turned back to the barista and said: “The answer is a blackboard.”

He looked at me with surprise and said: “That’s correct! How did you know?”

I smiled and said: “I’m a teacher.”

He smiled back and said: “Well then, you deserve a free sample.”

He gave me a small cup of coffee and I thanked him.

I tasted it and it was delicious.

I acted surprised and told him how much I loved it.

He was pleased and asked me if I wanted to try another one.

I said yes.

He gave me another one.

I tasted it and it was even better.

I acted surprised again and told him how much I loved it.

He was happy and asked me if I wanted to try another one.

I said yes.

He gave me another one.

This went on for about 10 minutes until I had tried all of their different coffees.

They were all amazing.

I acted crazy and unusual and sang a song about coffee in English.

He laughed and clapped his hands.

He told me that I was his favorite customer ever.

He gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

He asked me if I wanted to try another one.

I said yes.

He gave me another one.

And another one.

And another one.

By the time I left the coffee shop, I had drunk about 20 cups of coffee for free.

I was so caffeinated that I felt like I could fly.

It was awesome!

So there you have it folks: how to get free coffee samples from every country you visit.

Just remember: act direct, personal, surprising, crazy and unusual.

And don’t forget to have fun!

You never know what might happen!
