How to prank your friends with Natural process coffee

Hey, pranksters! Are you looking for a new way to mess with your friends and make them laugh (or cry)? Well, I have the perfect prank for you: natural process coffee!

Natural process coffee

What is natural process coffee, you ask? It’s a type of coffee that is processed by letting the coffee cherries dry naturally on the plant or on raised beds, without removing the pulp and mucilage. This gives the coffee a fruity, funky and sometimes fermented flavor that some people love and some people hate.

But here’s the catch: natural process coffee is also known as dry process coffee or… wait for it… unwashed coffee. That’s right, this coffee is never washed or cleaned before roasting. It’s full of dirt, dust, bugs and bacteria. Yum!

So how can you use this coffee to prank your friends? Here are some ideas:

– Invite your friends over for a coffee tasting and serve them natural process coffee without telling them what it is. Watch their reactions as they sip the unwashed brew and try to guess the flavor notes. Is it blueberry, mango, or… manure?
– Buy some natural process coffee beans and grind them up in your friend’s coffee grinder when they are not looking. Then leave a note saying “Enjoy your natural process coffee!” and wait for their phone call.
– Replace your friend’s regular coffee with natural process coffee and hide the original package. When they complain about the taste, act like you don’t know what they are talking about and accuse them of having a bad palate.
– Send your friend a gift basket with natural process coffee and a card that says “I heard you like natural things. Here’s some natural process coffee. It’s made from unwashed coffee cherries that are dried in the sun with all the dirt, bugs and bacteria. Enjoy!”
– Write a blog post about how much you love natural process coffee and how it’s the best thing ever. Then share it with your friend and ask them to read it and comment on it. Make sure to include a lot of details about how unwashed coffee is made and how it tastes.

I actually did this last one to my friend Bob, who is a coffee snob and always brags about his expensive espresso machine and his fancy latte art skills. He was so disgusted by my blog post that he unfriended me on Facebook and blocked my number. It was hilarious!

So there you have it, pranksters. Natural process coffee is the ultimate prank tool for your coffee-loving friends. Try it out and let me know how it goes. And remember: don’t drink it yourself, unless you have a strong stomach and a weak sense of smell. Cheers!